2018-12-26 12:54:30 +11:00

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//! SSD1675 ePaper Display Driver
//! For a complete example see
//! [the Raspberry Pi Inky pHAT example](
//! ### Usage
//! To control a display you will need:
//! * An [Interface] to the controller
//! * A [display configuration][Config]
//! * A [Display]
//! The `Interface` captures the details of the hardware connection to the SSD1675 controller. This
//! includes an SPI device and some GPIO pins. The SSD1675 can control many different displays that
//! vary in dimensions, rotation, and driving characteristics. The [Config] captures these details.
//! To aid in constructing the `Config` there is a [Builder] interface. Finally when you have an
//! interface and a Config a Display instance can be created. Optionally the Display can be
//! promoted to a [GraphicDisplay], which allows it to use the functionality from the
//! [embedded-graphics crate]. The plain display only provides the ability to update the display by
//! passing black/white and red buffers.
//! To update the display you will typically follow this flow:
//! * [reset]
//! * [clear]
//! * [update]
//! * [sleep]
extern crate embedded_hal as hal;
extern crate std;
mod color;
mod command;
mod config;
mod display;
mod graphics;
mod interface;
pub use color::Color;
pub use config::Builder;
pub use display::{Dimensions, Display, Rotation};
pub use graphics::GraphicDisplay;
pub use interface::DisplayInterface;
pub use interface::Interface;