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synced 2025-02-21 08:02:36 +00:00
Partially working Inky pHAT example
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 256 additions and 17 deletions
@ -13,6 +13,9 @@ version = "0.2.2"
optional = true
version = "0.4.4"
linux-embedded-hal = "0.2.1" # for examples
default = ["graphics"]
graphics = ["embedded-graphics"]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
// the library for the embedded linux device
extern crate linux_embedded_hal;
use linux_embedded_hal::spidev::{self, SpidevOptions};
use linux_embedded_hal::sysfs_gpio::Direction;
use linux_embedded_hal::Delay;
use linux_embedded_hal::{Pin, Spidev};
// the eink library
extern crate ssd1675;
use ssd1675::{Display, DisplayInterface, Dimensions, GraphicDisplay, Color, Rotation};
// Graphics
extern crate embedded_graphics;
use embedded_graphics::coord::Coord;
use embedded_graphics::fonts::{Font12x16, Font6x8};
use embedded_graphics::prelude::*;
use embedded_graphics::primitives::{Circle, Line};
use embedded_graphics::Drawing;
// HAL (Traits)
extern crate embedded_hal;
use embedded_hal::prelude::*;
// activate spi, gpio in raspi-config
// needs to be run with sudo because of some sysfs_gpio permission problems and follow-up timing problems
// see https://github.com/rust-embedded/rust-sysfs-gpio/issues/5 and follow-up issues
const ROWS: u16 = 212;
const COLS: u8 = 104;
fn main() -> Result<(), std::io::Error> {
// Configure SPI
let mut spi = Spidev::open("/dev/spidev0.0").expect("SPI device");
let options = SpidevOptions::new()
spi.configure(&options).expect("SPI configuration");
// https://pinout.xyz/pinout/inky_phat#
// Configure Digital I/O Pin to be used as Chip Select for SPI
let cs = Pin::new(8); // BCM8
cs.export().expect("cs export");
while !cs.is_exported() {}
cs.set_direction(Direction::Out).expect("CS Direction");
cs.set_value(1).expect("CS Value set to 1");
let busy = Pin::new(17); // BCM17
busy.export().expect("busy export");
while !busy.is_exported() {}
busy.set_direction(Direction::In).expect("busy Direction");
let dc = Pin::new(22); // BCM22
dc.export().expect("dc export");
while !dc.is_exported() {}
dc.set_direction(Direction::Out).expect("dc Direction");
dc.set_value(1).expect("dc Value set to 1");
let reset = Pin::new(27); // BCM27
reset.export().expect("reset export");
while !reset.is_exported() {}
reset.set_direction(Direction::Out).expect("reset Direction");
reset.set_value(1).expect("reset Value set to 1");
println!("Pins configured");
let mut delay = Delay {};
let controller = ssd1675::Interface::new(spi, cs, busy, dc, reset);
// println!("Test all the rotations");
let dimensions = Dimensions { rows: ROWS, cols: COLS };
let mut black_buffer = [0u8; ROWS as usize * COLS as usize]; // FIXME: This is using 1 byte per pixel when it only needs to be one bit
let mut red_buffer = [0u8; ROWS as usize * COLS as usize];
let display = Display::new(controller, dimensions, Rotation::Rotate270);
let mut display = GraphicDisplay::new(display, &mut black_buffer, &mut red_buffer);
display.reset(&mut delay).expect("error resetting display");
// display.set_rotation(DisplayRotation::Rotate0);
println!("reset and initialised");
Font12x16::render_str("Hello Rust")
.translate(Coord::new(5, 10))
display.update(&mut delay).expect("error updating display");
// display.set_rotation(DisplayRotation::Rotate90);
// display.draw(
// Font::render_str("Rotate 90!")
// .with_stroke(Some(Color::Black))
// .with_fill(Some(Color::White))
// .translate(Coord::new(5, 50))
// .into_iter(),
// );
// display.set_rotation(DisplayRotation::Rotate180);
// display.draw(
// Font6x8::render_str("Rotate 180!")
// .with_stroke(Some(Color::Black))
// .with_fill(Some(Color::White))
// .translate(Coord::new(5, 50))
// .into_iter(),
// );
// display.set_rotation(DisplayRotation::Rotate270);
// display.draw(
// Font6x8::render_str("Rotate 270!")
// .with_stroke(Some(Color::Black))
// .with_fill(Some(Color::White))
// .translate(Coord::new(5, 50))
// .into_iter(),
// );
// epd4in2.update_frame(&mut spi, &display.buffer()).unwrap();
// epd4in2
// .display_frame(&mut spi)
// .expect("display frame new graphics");
// delay.delay_ms(5000u16);
// println!("Now test new graphics with default rotation and some special stuff:");
// display.clear_buffer(Color::White);
// // draw a analog clock
// display.draw(
// Circle::new(Coord::new(64, 64), 64)
// .with_stroke(Some(Color::Black))
// .into_iter(),
// );
// display.draw(
// Line::new(Coord::new(64, 64), Coord::new(0, 64))
// .with_stroke(Some(Color::Black))
// .into_iter(),
// );
// display.draw(
// Line::new(Coord::new(64, 64), Coord::new(80, 80))
// .with_stroke(Some(Color::Black))
// .into_iter(),
// );
// // draw white on black background
// display.draw(
// Font6x8::render_str("It's working-WoB!")
// // Using Style here
// .with_style(Style {
// fill_color: Some(Color::Black),
// stroke_color: Some(Color::White),
// stroke_width: 0u8, // Has no effect on fonts
// })
// .translate(Coord::new(175, 250))
// .into_iter(),
// );
// // use bigger/different font
// display.draw(
// Font12x16::render_str("It's working-BoW!")
// // Using Style here
// .with_style(Style {
// fill_color: Some(Color::White),
// stroke_color: Some(Color::Black),
// stroke_width: 0u8, // Has no effect on fonts
// })
// .translate(Coord::new(50, 200))
// .into_iter(),
// );
// // a moving `Hello World!`
// let limit = 10;
// for i in 0..limit {
// println!("Moving Hello World. Loop {} from {}", (i + 1), limit);
// display.draw(
// Font6x8::render_str(" Hello World! ")
// .with_style(Style {
// fill_color: Some(Color::White),
// stroke_color: Some(Color::Black),
// stroke_width: 0u8, // Has no effect on fonts
// })
// .translate(Coord::new(5 + i * 12, 50))
// .into_iter(),
// );
// epd4in2.update_frame(&mut spi, &display.buffer()).unwrap();
// epd4in2
// .display_frame(&mut spi)
// .expect("display frame new graphics");
// delay.delay_ms(1_000u16);
// }
println!("Finished - going to sleep");
@ -269,8 +269,9 @@ impl Command {
// UpdateDisplayOption1(RamOption, RamOption) => {
// }
// UpdateDisplayOption2(u8) => {
// }
UpdateDisplayOption2(value) => {
pack!(buf, 0x22, [value])
// EnterVCOMSensing => {
// }
// VCOMSenseDuration(u8) => {
@ -300,17 +301,19 @@ impl Command {
// }
// AutoWriteBlackPattern(u8) => {
// }
// XAddress(u8) => {
// }
// YAddress(u8) => {
// }
XAddress(address) => {
pack!(buf, 0x4E, [address])
YAddress(address) => {
pack!(buf, 0x4F, [address])
AnalogBlockControl(value) => {
pack!(buf, 0x74, [value])
DigitalBlockControl(value) => {
pack!(buf, 0x7E, [value])
_ => unimplemented!(),
_ => unimplemented!()
@ -328,11 +331,9 @@ impl<'buf> BufCommand<'buf> {
let (command, data) = match self {
WriteBlackData(buffer) => {
// TODO: Handle rotation
(0x24, buffer)
WriteRedData(buffer) => {
// TODO: Handle rotation
(0x26, buffer)
WriteLUT(buffer) => {
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ impl<I> Display<I> where I: DisplayInterface {
// POR is HiZ. Need pull from config
// Command::BorderWaveform(u8).execute(&mut self.interface)?;
// BufCommand::WriteLUT().execute(&mut self.interface)?;
BufCommand::WriteLUT(&LUT_RED).execute(&mut self.interface)?;
Command::DataEntryMode(DataEntryMode::IncrementYIncrementX, IncrementAxis::Horizontal).execute(&mut self.interface)?;
@ -82,19 +82,20 @@ impl<I> Display<I> where I: DisplayInterface {
pub fn update<D: hal::blocking::delay::DelayMs<u8>>(&mut self, black: &[u8], red: &[u8], delay: &mut D) -> Result<(), I::Error> {
// Write the B/W RAM
let buf_limit = ((self.rows() * self.cols() as u16) as f32 / 8.).ceil() as usize;
Command::XAddress(0).execute(&mut self.interface)?;
Command::YAddress(0).execute(&mut self.interface)?;
BufCommand::WriteBlackData(&black).execute(&mut self.interface)?;
BufCommand::WriteBlackData(&black[..buf_limit]).execute(&mut self.interface)?;
// Write the Red RAM
Command::XAddress(0).execute(&mut self.interface)?;
Command::YAddress(0).execute(&mut self.interface)?;
BufCommand::WriteRedData(&red).execute(&mut self.interface)?;
BufCommand::WriteRedData(&red[..buf_limit]).execute(&mut self.interface)?;
// Kick off the display update
Command::UpdateDisplayOption2(0xC7).execute(&mut self.interface)?;
Command::UpdateDisplay.execute(&mut self.interface)?;
// TODO: We don't really need to wait here... the program can go off and do other things
// and only busy wait if it wants to talk to the display again. Could possibly treat
// the interface like a smart pointer in which "acquiring" it would wait until it's not
@ -120,3 +121,23 @@ impl<I> Display<I> where I: DisplayInterface {
const LUT_RED: [u8; 70] = [
// Phase 0 Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Phase 5 Phase 6
// A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D
0b01001000, 0b10100000, 0b00010000, 0b00010000, 0b00010011, 0b00000000, 0b00000000, // LUT0 - Black
0b01001000, 0b10100000, 0b10000000, 0b00000000, 0b00000011, 0b00000000, 0b00000000, // LUTT1 - White
0b00000000, 0b00000000, 0b00000000, 0b00000000, 0b00000000, 0b00000000, 0b00000000, // IGNORE
0b01001000, 0b10100101, 0b00000000, 0b10111011, 0b00000000, 0b00000000, 0b00000000, // LUT3 - Red
0b00000000, 0b00000000, 0b00000000, 0b00000000, 0b00000000, 0b00000000, 0b00000000, // LUT4 - VCOM
// Duration | Repeat
// A B C D |
64, 12, 32, 12, 6, // 0 Flash
16, 8, 4, 4, 6, // 1 clear
4, 8, 8, 16, 16, // 2 bring in the black
2, 2, 2, 64, 32, // 3 time for red
2, 2, 2, 2, 2, // 4 final black sharpen phase
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 5
0, 0, 0, 0, 0 // 6
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
use hal;
use color::Color;
use display::{Display, Rotation};
use interface::DisplayInterface;
@ -14,8 +15,20 @@ impl<'a, I> GraphicDisplay<'a, I> where I: DisplayInterface {
GraphicDisplay { display, black_buffer, red_buffer }
pub fn update(&mut self) -> Result<(), ()> {
pub fn update<D: hal::blocking::delay::DelayMs<u8>>(&mut self, delay: &mut D) -> Result<(), I::Error> {
self.display.update(self.black_buffer, self.red_buffer, delay)
pub fn clear(&mut self, _color: Color) {
// TODO: Support color
for byte in &mut self.black_buffer.iter_mut() {
*byte = 1; // background_color.get_byte_value();
// TODO: Combine loops
for byte in &mut self.red_buffer.iter_mut() {
*byte = 0; // background_color.get_byte_value();
fn set_pixel(&mut self, x: u32, y: u32, color: Color) {
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ where
fn write(&mut self, data: &[u8]) -> Result<(), SPI::Error> {
// Select the controller with chip select (CS)
// self.cs.set_low();
// Linux has a default limit of 4096 bytes per SPI transfer
// https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/ccda4af0f4b92f7b4c308d3acc262f4a7e3affad/drivers/spi/spidev.c#L93
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ where
// Release the controller
// self.cs.set_high();
Add table
Reference in a new issue