I am currently in the middle of my exams period, which means that this is the perfect time to start a brand new side project to procrastinate learning!
A while ago, I saw the project [pain27](https://github.com/uuupah/pain27) in my GitHub feed (I guess because [@hoodie](https://github.com/hoodie) starred it) and found myself immediately intrigued by the idea behind this keyboard.
It is beautiful in its own way, yet completely unusable by design. A bad joke become reality -- exactly my sense of humor.
After the idea of building my own version of this abomination simmered in the back of my head for about 6 months, I finally decided to start this little project.
There is only one problem: I have absolutely no knowledge in building keyboards, neither have I soldered a single piece of electronics in all my life (and obviously I am unable to count to one).
Nonetheless I teamed up with [@h4llow3En](https://github.com/h4llow3En) (who is way more knowledgable in electronics and soldering than me) to start this endeavour!
I'm planning on writing a small series of blog posts about how to build this keyboard and what I learned while building this little beauty.
This first part will center on the necessary components and preparations since this is all I can do while waiting for the parcels from China to arrive.